Solution of the sales by match hackerrank challenge.
let n = 9; // Number of items on ar
let ar = [10,20,20,10,10,30,50,10,20]; // Array of random numbers, (will refer to each number as type)
let pairTypes = []; // Array variable to store pair types
let pairTypesObj = []; // Array variable to store objects by type
let pairs = 0; // Variable to accumulate number of pairs
function sockMerchant(n, ar) {
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { // Iterates over ar
if (!pairTypes.includes(ar[i])) { // Checks if pairType has been pushed to the pairTypes array
pairTypes.push(ar[i]); // Pushes to pairTypes array
pairTypesObj.push({type: ar[i], count:0}); // Creates pair type object with the count property
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < pairTypesObj.length; j++) { // Iterates over the objects pairTypesObj
if (ar[i] == pairTypesObj[j].type) { // Check If current Type in the array is equal to the pair types object
pairTypesObj[j].count++; // If so increment the count property by one
if (pairTypesObj[j].count == 2) { // Check If the pair type object count property is equal to 2
pairs++; // If so then increment pairs by one
if (pairTypesObj[j].count == 2) { // Check if pairTypesObj is equal to 2
pairTypesObj[j].count = 0; // If so then reset it to 0 so it doesn't add aditional pairs
return pairs;
console.log(sockMerchant(n, ar));